
Type of source:

Magazine article in English



Original text:

The Social Cat

Karen L. Overall, MA, VMD, Ph.D.,

People don't see cats as really bright, inherently cognitive individuals. They forget the most critical need, which to me is the intellectual one. I think we haven't given cats or dogs the credit they deserve for their cognitive capabilities. I think we've got an epidemic of under-stimulated cats whose intellectual needs aren't being met. So, food puzzles and mazes and cat trees and screened-in areas outdoors will all help to lower cats' stress levels and give them some choices.

Notes /summary:

Cat owners sometimes forget that cats need intellectual stimulation. The cat needs food puzzles and mazes and other things that provide stimulation. This will keep a cat's stress level down.


Overall, K. (2004, January). The social cat. Cat Fancy, p. 23.