1. What are references?
2. Preparing the references
3. Organizing the references
4. Integrating the references

5. Citing the references
6. Examples of citations
7. Making a reference List
8. Finishing the paper
9. Examples of sources

7. The reference list

You have cited all of your references. Next, you must put them in a list called the reference list. Here are the rules:

(1) Any source that you cite in your paper must appear in your reference list. Any source in your reference list must have been cited in your paper.

(2) The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to author. If you don't know who the author is, use the first word in the title instead.

(3) The different types of media (books, webpages, DVDs) are all mixed together.

(4) The most difficult part is following APA rules for writing the references. Use the examples on the source sample pages to help you. If you are not sure, it is better to give too much information than not enough information. Remember, the purpose of the reference list is to guide the readers to your sources. You must give the reader enough information to find those sources.

(5) Each reference is outdented (opposite to a normal paragraph)-- but it is difficult to show on the internet, so I will show you in class.




Behaviour. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2004 from Cats Protection website: http://www.cats.org.uk/html/index.php?sect_id=38

Chat, L. (Producer), & Gato, E. (Director). (1990). Nature: Cats [DVD]. Nature Archive Series. Koch Vision/Shanachie Video.

Clutton-Brock, J. (1981). Zusetsu Dobutsu Bunkashi Jiten [Domesticated Animals]. (H. Masui, Trans.) Tokyo: Harashoubo. (Original work published 1981)

Committee recognise benefits of vaccination. (2002, January 2). Veterinary Practice, article 7. Retrieved from http://www.vpmag.co.uk/news.php?id=7

Fogle, B. (1999). The complete illustrated guide to cat care and behavior. London: Thunder Bay Press.

Greene, G. (2002, August 28). Kids' best friends: Pets help prevent allergies. Retrieved January 31, 2004, from CNN web site: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/parenting/08/27/kid.pet.allergies/index.html

Himan no ohanashi [Talking about obesity]. (2003, April). (Available from Nihon Hills/Colgate, Toyou 3-7-13 Edou-ku, Tokyo 135-0016)

Maggs, D., Nasisse, M., & Kass, P. (2003). Efficacy of oral supplementation with L-lysine. The Veterinary Journal, 64(1), 83-88.

Matatabi honpo [Catnip headquarters]. (n.d.) Retrieved January 31, 2004, from http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/matahon/situke.htm

Overall, K. (2004, January). The social cat. Cat Fancy, p. 23.

Tsubaki, T., Hori, R. & Yoshida, M. (1997). Petto no Houritsu Zensho [Pets and the law]. Tokyo: Yuukihikaku.


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