1. What are references?
2. Preparing the references
3. Organizing the references
4. Integrating the references

5. Citing the references
6. Examples of citations
7. Making a reference List
8. Finishing the paper
9. Examples of sources

2. Preparing your references

You have already decided on your theme. (If not, click here.)
You have already found some academic sources. (If not, click here.)
You have already started to read them. (If not, get moving !!!)

The next step is preparing your references. Because you will be using indirect citations, you need to put the information into your own words. It is absolutely essential that you do not simply copy the words. Students have found this process to be useful:

(1) Read a paragraph or sentence that you think is useful.
(2) Close the book.
(3) Summarize the important points in English. Use your own words.

To see examples of how real sources can be summarized, click here.

(1) Use a separate sheet of paper (or a separate file in your computer) for each source.
(2) Clearly label each piece of paper (or file) with the title of your source.

It will take a long time to prepare all of your references. However, by the time you have finished, you will already be more than halfway done with your senior paper.

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